General Requirements for all VADA Year End Awards
General Requirements
All competitors must be VADA members at the time of the competition.
All awards will be calculated by adding the horse/rider scores together and then dividing by the total number of tests ridden to result in an average score.
The awards year will run from December 1 — November 30.
For all awards, scores must be earned from at least 2 different judges and at least 2 shows.
Every score submitted must be 55% or higher (schooling and licensed).
Scores will not be counted if your trainer is the judge.
Competitors are encouraged to submit a photo (with appropriate photo credit) with their application.
Volunteer Requirements
One day of volunteer time at a VADA event (i.e, Annual Banquet, Symposium, DAL, GAiG's/VADA Fall Show Competition, or other as approved by the VADA President)
Half-day of volunteer time with the local chapter.
In the case of Pas de Deux or Quadrille awards, ALL riders of the team must satisfy volunteer requirements in order for the whole team to be eligible for award(s).
A rider DOES NOT have to do multiple days of volunteer time in order to submit awards with multiple horses, at multiple levels, or for schooling licensed, and in-hand/breed awards.
Someone else may donate their volunteer time to another VADA competitor. However, it must be clearly indicated or noted on the chapter volunteer spreadsheet submitted to the VADA Year-End Awards Chairperson. Note: The same volunteer time cannot be donated to multiple competitors.
There are no exceptions to these volunteer requirements.