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General Requirements for all VADA Year End Awards

General Requirements
  • All competitors must be VADA members at the time of the competition.

  • All awards will be calculated by adding the horse/rider scores together and then dividing by the total number of tests ridden to result in an average score.

  • The awards year will run from December 1 — November 30.

  •  For all awards, scores must be earned from at least 2 different judges and at least 2 shows.

  • Every score submitted must be 55% or higher (schooling and licensed).

  • Scores will not be counted if your trainer is the judge.

  • Competitors are encouraged to submit a photo (with appropriate photo credit)  with their application.

Volunteer Requirements
  • One day of volunteer time at a VADA event (i.e, Annual Banquet, Symposium, DAL, GAiG's/VADA Fall Show Competition, or other as approved by the VADA President)

  • Half-day of volunteer time with the local chapter.

  • In the case of Pas de Deux or Quadrille awards, ALL riders of the team must satisfy volunteer requirements in order for the whole team to be eligible for award(s).

  • A rider DOES NOT have to do multiple days of volunteer time in order to submit awards with multiple horses, at multiple levels, or for schooling licensed, and in-hand/breed awards.

  • Someone else may donate their volunteer time to another VADA competitor. However, it must be clearly indicated or noted on the chapter volunteer spreadsheet submitted to the VADA Year-End Awards Chairperson.  Note: The same volunteer time cannot be donated to multiple competitors.

  • There are no exceptions to these volunteer requirements.

Virginia Dressage Association

a 501c3 non-profit organization

a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)

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