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Schooling Shows

Schooling Shows


Ribbons will be awarded at each level (levels and Jr/Sr may be combined for MFS), divided into Junior/Young Rider (rider 21 or under as of Jan. 1, 2022) and Senior. Ribbons will be awarded to 10th place for Intro to 1st level, to 8th place for all other levels.

General Requirements:
  • Tests must be judged by a USDF L graduate or a US Equestrian r, R, or S judge.
  • Scores from virtual shows or fix-a-tests may not be used.


Intro through Fourth Level:

  • 4 scores all at the same level from tests ridden by the same horse/rider pair. ∙

  • Every score submitted must be 55% or higher.

  • At Intro Level, 1 score must be Intro B. Intro C is not required for Year-End Awards, but can be used.

  • For Training thru the Fourth level, 1 score must be from the highest test of the level.


FEI Levels, Musical Freestyles, Pas de Deux, and Quadrille:

  • 3 scores all at the same level from tests ridden by the same horse/rider pair.

  • If submitting scores for Pas de Deux or Quadrille, all 3 scores submitted must be from the same horse/rider combination and the same team.

Virginia Dressage Association

a 501c3 non-profit organization

a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)

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