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Empty Classroom
Upgrade Your Judging Eye: “Am I Satisfied?

May 2, 2025
3:30 pm – 7:30 pm
In-Person Only

Best Western Hotel,
726 E. Market St, Leesburg, VA

This classroom session features Lilo Fore, an extremely experienced S judge and faculty member for judge training programs. As you review a dressage performance to determine appropriate scores and comments, consider whether you are “satisfied” (i.e., it is a “6” or satisfactory), or whether you are more than satisfied (and how much) – or less. This session will feature the use of videos as educational tools. A light dinner and ample snacks will be served to all (participants and auditors).

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  • Registrations by April 23: $15 ($10 refunded at the event).
  • Registrations after April 23/at the door: $15
  • Registrations by April 23: $25 ($10 refunded at the event).
  • Registrations after April 23/at the door: $25.
Registration Form
Registration Fee: (includes light dinner and snacks)

Please review your registration form before clicking the "Submit Registration Form" button below. Once submitted, a pop-up message will confirm that the application was successfully submitted and provide instructions for making a payment. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Doody at You will receive an Registration Confirmation email stating that the form and payment were received.

Application Submitted. To complete. your registration, go to "Donate Button" to make online PayPal payment. Enter fee and follow prompts. You will receive a payment receipt from PayPal in your email.

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Virginia Dressage Association

a 501c3 non-profit organization

a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)

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